UNF seeks rezoning for apartments

A 17-acre site is proposed for construction of 250 units of housing for students.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 2:55 p.m. March 25, 2025
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
A 250-unit University of North Florida student housing project is planned along First Coast Tech Parkway on the east side of the campus across from the UNF admissions office.
A 250-unit University of North Florida student housing project is planned along First Coast Tech Parkway on the east side of the campus across from the UNF admissions office.
  • Higher Education
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The University of North Florida Foundation Inc. wants to build apartments on land it owns along First Coast Technology Parkway between Glen Kernan Parkway North and Butler Boulevard.

Jacksonville City Council is considering Ordinance 2025-0178, which would rezone a 17-acre site from Industrial Business Park to Planned Unit Development.

A site plan titled “UNF Student Housing” prepared by Kimley Horn Engineering Planning Design Consultants filed with the legislation shows 250 apartments in four buildings with an additional multifamily club and leasing building and a pool.

The site plan also indicates there will be two parking spaces per apartment.

The rezoning was recommended for approval by the city Planning Commission and the Council Land Use and Zoning Committee.

The ordinance is scheduled for a public hearing when Council meets April 8.

Plans show a 250-unit University of North Florida student housing project along east First Coast Tech Parkway on the east side of the campus.


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