Applications open for Inn of Court

The submission deadline is March 31 for membership for the 2025-26 Inn year.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 a.m. March 24, 2025
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
  • Law
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The Chester Bedell American Inn of Court is now accepting applications for membership for the 2025-26 Inn year.

A lawyer may serve as an associate (a lawyer with zero to five years experience) for a two-year term, a barrister (a lawyer with more than five and up to 15 years’ experience) for a three-year term, or a bencher (more than 15 years experience) with no term limitation.

The application is on the Inn’s website, The submission deadline is March 31.

For questions, contact Membership Chair Courtney Grimm at [email protected] or 904-269-6303. 

The Bedell Inn was named after Chester Bedell (1904-1981), a trial lawyer in Jacksonville for 57 years.

Built upon excellence in courtroom work, respect for the law, and a reputation for professionalism, his memory and legacy is preserved through the Chester Bedell Memorial Foundation, The Chester Bedell American Inn of Court and the Chester Bedell Mock Trial Competition.


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