City Council approves rezoning for one Arlington town home development, rejects another

The votes pave the way for construction at Townsend Boulevard and Fort Caroline Road, and deny the project at 7535 Fort Caroline Road.

  • By Ric Anderson
  • | 8:23 p.m. March 11, 2025
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
Town homes are planned on a 3.3-acre property at southwest Townsend Boulevard and Fort Caroline Road. The Council approved rezoning the property to allow the homes.
Town homes are planned on a 3.3-acre property at southwest Townsend Boulevard and Fort Caroline Road. The Council approved rezoning the property to allow the homes.
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The Jacksonville City Council split on two contested town home developments in Arlington on March 11, approving one and rejecting the other. 

With Council members noting that they had received dozens of emails and calls from residents opposed to both developments, they voted 10-6 in favor of a rezoning request for a development at southwest Townsend Boulevard and Fort Caroline Road. 

On a 16-0 vote, they denied rezoning for town homes at 7535 Fort Caroline Road. 

The votes mirrored recommendations of the Council Land Use and Zoning Committee on the rezonings, contained in Ordinances 2024-0922 and 2025-0005, respectively. 

The proposals called for up to 20 town homes on the 3.3-acre property at Townsend Boulevard and Fort Caroline Road, and for up to 69 town homes on the 11.38 acres at 7535 Fort Caroline Road.

A town home community is planned in Jacksonville at 7535 Fort Caroline Road between Townsend and Allenby Drive.

Council members Ron Salem and Ken Amaro, who live near the properties, urged Council members to listen to neighbors and reject the rezonings. 

During a public hearing before the LUZ committee, neighbors raised concerns about increased traffic congestion and said the town homes, particularly those at 7535 Fort Caroline Road, would be out of character in an area predominantly containing single-family residences.

Amaro, whose District 1 includes the two sites, was the lone LUZ member to vote no on both. 

On Ordinance 2024-0922, the yes votes were from President Randy White, Vice President Kevin Carrico and members Raul Arias, Joe Carlucci, Terrance Freeman, Nick Howland, Reggie Gaffney Jr., Rahman Johnson, Will Lahnen and Jimmy Peluso. Voting no were Amaro, Salem, Michael Boylan, Tyrona Clark-Murray, Mike Gay and Chris Miller.

Members Rory Diamond, Matt Carlucci and Ju’Coby Pittman were not present for either vote.

The city Planning Commission and the Planning and Development staff had recommended passage of both ordinances. 

During the LUZ committee meeting, Council members agreed with neighbors that the project at 7535 Fort Caroline Road was not compatible with the surrounding single-family homes.

On the other development, a majority lined up with members who said the corner property was near other multifamily properties and commercial developments and therefore was an appropriate buffer to the single-family neighborhoods.  

At least 60 neighbors turned out to the public hearing at the LUZ meeting. The full Council, having already held public meetings on the ordinances, took final action without public comments March 11. 


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