YLS Chili Cook-off raises money for Becoming Collegiate Academy

Edwards & Ragatz emerges as the winner after more than 1,000 votes are cast in the annual event.

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A crowd turned out for the annual Jacksonville Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section Chili Cook-off on Feb. 22 at the Riverside Arts Market under the Fuller Warren Bridge in Riverside.
A crowd turned out for the annual Jacksonville Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section Chili Cook-off on Feb. 22 at the Riverside Arts Market under the Fuller Warren Bridge in Riverside.
Special to the Daily Record
  • The Bar Bulletin
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The Jacksonville Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section hosted the annual YLS Chili Cook-off on Feb. 22, bringing together members of the legal community and local supporters for a day of friendly competition and philanthropy at Riverside Arts Market.

With 35 teams showcasing their best chili recipes, the event drew a lively crowd, resulting in more than 1,000 votes cast for the top contenders.

Special to the Daily Record Thomas Edwards wears the championship belt for Best Overall Chili after leading the Edwards & Ragatz team to victory.
Special to the Daily Record

In addition to the spirited rivalry, the event successfully raised $600 in cash donations, supplementing the generous support from team registrations and corporate sponsorships.

The funds raised from the event will benefit Becoming Collegiate Academy here in Jacksonville, supporting its mission to provide high-quality education and opportunities for students. A highlight of the event was a performance by the Becoming Collegiate Academy Dance Team, which energized the crowd and showcased the talent and spirit of the academy’s students. 

The Jacksonville University College of Law team came prepared with multiple Crock-Pots but failed to win a prize.
Special to the Daily Record

As for the competition. congratulations are in order for the following teams:

Best Overall: Edwards & Ragatz

Crowd Favorite: Serrano Cagan

Best Cornbread: Smith Hulsey & Busey    

Most Spirit: Regional Conflict Counsel

Meatiest: Gunster

Spiciest: Woolsey Morcum

Most Original:  Orr Cook

Best Fixins’: Nichols & Pina

With another successful year in the books, the YLS looks forward to keeping this flavorful tradition alive next year.

The Becoming Collegiate Academy dance team entertains the Riverside Arts Market and YLS Chili Cook-off crowd.
Special to the Daily Record


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