VyStar extends sponsorship of DVI’s PlacemakingJax initiative

The 3-year-old program fosters gatherings designed to invigorate Downtown Jacksonville.

  • By Ric Anderson
  • | 3:49 p.m. March 6, 2025
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VyStar Credit Union is the presenting sponsor of Downtown Vision Inc.’s PlacemakingJax program.
VyStar Credit Union is the presenting sponsor of Downtown Vision Inc.’s PlacemakingJax program.
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VyStar Credit Union has extended its support of Downtown Vision Inc.’s PlacemakingJax program as its presenting sponsor, DVI announced March 6.

“Through this partnership, PlacemakingJax Presented by VyStar Credit Union will continue to enhance the public realm in collaboration with community partners, giving people reasons to linger longer, explore and create lasting memories in Downtown Jacksonville,” DVI said in a news release.

PlacemakingJax involves making Downtown more lively and welcoming by bringing people together for what DVI calls “projects” that include performances, art, activities and more. 

Examples include Skyway Social, in which participants rode the Skyway elevated tram system to dance club-like setups at each platform, and L.O.V.E. Fest, a riverfront event with live music, food and drinks. 

L.O.V.E. Fest is a riverfront PlacemakingJax event with live music, food and drinks.
Photo by Toni Smailagic

New projects for 2025 include Kollect Invitational, which will include live DJs, skateboard, art installations and local vendors at Artist Walk skatepark under the west end of the Fuller Warren Bridge, and Pumpkin Smash, a post-Halloween festival at Main Street Park where residents can toss, smash and trash their decorative pumpkins for collection by Apple Rabbit Compost for composting, 

“You see these spaces that people inherently look at in Downtown and think, ‘These need help,’” DVI CEO Jake Gordon said during an interview on the sponsorship. “Everyone can tell these certain, public spaces need help. We are going to take those and say, ‘You know what? You’re going to see these in a completely new light.”

A full list of PlacemakingJax’s 14 new and returning projects is available at dtjax.com/placemaking. 

“At VyStar Credit Union, we believe in the power of community and the importance of creating vibrant, engaging spaces for everyone to enjoy,” Patricia McElroy, senior vice president/foundation president at VyStar, said in the release. “This collaboration allows us to support innovative projects that transform Downtown Jacksonville into a dynamic destination, fostering connections and enriching the lives of residents and visitors alike.”

Kady Yellow is the senior director of events and placemaking for Downtown Vision Inc.

PlacemakingJax was introduced in 2022 by DVI’s Kady Yellow, the organization’s vice president of placemaking.

Each year, the program holds an open call for projects and, through a competitive process, makes selections on which to support.  

Additional sponsors for the program include the Jessie Ball duPont Fund, JAX Chamber, Community First and the Community Foundation of Northeast Florida. 

DVI is a not-for-profit that supports Downtown revitalization through such means as marketing, events, research and its Downtown Ambassadors program, which performs such duties as cleaning sidewalks and providing directions to visitors. 

DVI is funded primarily by a self-assessment of Downtown property owners within a 1.3-square-mile Business Improvement District. 


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