Fletcher students win mock trial competition

The team won the 4th Judicial Circuit High School Mock Trial Competition on Feb. 14 at the Duval County Courthouse.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 8:26 p.m. March 4, 2025
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The team from Duncan U. Fletcher High School: back row, from left, team coach Amber Rumancik, teacher sponsor Toni Wortherly, students Mackenzie Rud, Ellie Alford, Gavin Machinski, Lauren Hutton, Sarah Acquino, Kierra Green, Kaylah Benson and attorney coaches John Cannizzaro and Jay Howell.
Front row, from left, students Chloe Emerson, Aubrey Andrews, Kiley Beckham and Ava Cannizzaro.
The team from Duncan U. Fletcher High School: back row, from left, team coach Amber Rumancik, teacher sponsor Toni Wortherly, students Mackenzie Rud, Ellie Alford, Gavin Machinski, Lauren Hutton, Sarah Acquino, Kierra Green, Kaylah Benson and attorney coaches John Cannizzaro and Jay Howell. Front row, from left, students Chloe Emerson, Aubrey Andrews, Kiley Beckham and Ava Cannizzaro.
Special to the Daily Record
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The team from Duncan U. Fletcher High School won the 4th Judicial Circuit High School Mock Trial Competition on Feb. 14 at the Duval County Courthouse.

The event, sponsored by the American Board of Trial Advocates, included teams from Fletcher, The Bolles School and Stanton College Preparatory School. This year’s competition was based on a theoretical criminal case that involved allegations of grand theft, fraud and conspiracy to commit forgery.

Fletcher will represent the 4th Judicial Circuit at the Florida State High School School Mock Trial Competition at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando March 27-29.


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