Two Northeast Florida attorneys suspended

They were among the nine suspensions the state Supreme Court announced Jan. 31.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 a.m. February 12, 2025
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
The Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
The Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
  • Law
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The state Supreme Court announced Jan. 31 that it disciplined 17 attorneys, disbarring one, revoking the license of four, suspending nine and reprimanding three.

Two practice in Northeast Florida.

Eduardo Enrique Dieppa III, 6907 Broadway Ave. in Jacksonville, is suspended for 90 days effective immediately following a Jan. 2 court order.

A complainant wired Dieppa’s real estate title agency money for funding a commercial real estate transaction.

Dieppa failed to supervise a non-lawyer who made misrepresentations to the complainant about a wire transfer being made.

The entirety of the amount initially wired to Dieppa was ultimately returned to the complainant.

Charles David Franken, 112 Hazelwood Drive in Ponte Vedra, is suspended for three years effective immediately following a Jan. 2 court order.

Franken was charged with felony criminal conduct after he performed as the closing agent for a real estate transaction for which the buyer was later convicted of grand theft and filing false documents.

Franken pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge of petit theft and was required to pay $10,000 in restitution.


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