Florida Board of Bar Examiners seeks to fill 2 vacancies

The five-year terms begin Nov. 1, 2025, and expire Oct. 31, 2030.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 a.m. February 5, 2025
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
The Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
The Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee.
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Attorney applicants are sought to fill two vacancies on the Florida Board of Bar Examiners. A joint screening committee of Florida Bar board of governors and board of Bar examiners members will recommend six nominees for the vacancies at its May 16, 2025, meeting.

The nominations will then be forwarded to the state Supreme Court, which will appoint two attorneys to fill two five-year terms beginning Nov. 1, 2025, and expiring Oct. 31, 2030.

Attorney members must have been an active member of The Florida Bar for at least five years, maintain active membership while serving on the board and be deemed qualified by the court to assess whether applicants meet the essential eligibility requirements for admission under the rules of the Supreme Court Relating to Admissions to the Bar.

Appointment or election to the bench at any level of the court system will disqualify any applicant. Law professors or trustees are ineligible.

Board of Bar Examiners members must be able to attend about 10 meetings a year in Florida locations. 

Members should be willing and able to devote the equivalent of three to four days of work a month, or up to 350 or more hours per year on board business, depending on committee assignments.

Actual travel expenses connected with the meetings and examinations are reimbursed.

Applications will be accepted until close of business March 24, 2025. The joint screening committee will review all applications and may request telephone or personal interviews.

Attorneys interested in applying may visit tinyurl.com/3d5ufnm3 or call Bar headquarters at 850-561-3127 to obtain the application form.


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