Young Lawyers Institute CLE focuses on professionalism

The next lunch and learn opportunity, set for Nov. 5, will focus on family law.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 a.m. September 26, 2024
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
Circuit Judges Mark Borello, Meredith Charbula and Tatiana Salvador, at left, discussed professionalism and explained courtroom procedures in circuit criminal court in 4th Circuit Chief Judge Lance Day's chambers Sept. 10 at the Duval County Courthouse.
Circuit Judges Mark Borello, Meredith Charbula and Tatiana Salvador, at left, discussed professionalism and explained courtroom procedures in circuit criminal court in 4th Circuit Chief Judge Lance Day's chambers Sept. 10 at the Duval County Courthouse.
Special to the Daily Record
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The first session of the Jacksonville Bar Association Young Lawyers Institute was Sept. 10 in 4th Circuit Chief Judge Lance Day’s chambers at the Duval County Courthouse. 

Circuit Judges Mark Borello, Meredith Charbula and Tatiana Salvador discussed professionalism and explained courtroom procedures in circuit criminal court. 

The next lunch and learn opportunity, scheduled Nov. 5, will focus on family law. Programs in 2025 will be devoted to county court and circuit court civil practice. Those who attend all sessions will receive a certificate of completion at the YLS annual meeting in June. 

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