Carl Cricco named president and CEO of United Way of St. Johns County

The former K9s for Warriors CEO brings new leadership to the organization that also works in Putnam County.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 2:12 p.m. October 28, 2024
  • | 4 Free Articles Remaining!
Carl Cricco is the new president and CEO of the United Way of St. Johns County.
Carl Cricco is the new president and CEO of the United Way of St. Johns County.
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United Way of St. Johns County announced Oct 28 the selection of Carl Cricco as its new president and CEO.

Cricco, whose experience includes nonprofit leadership, marketing, and fundraising, will officially join United Way on Nov. 4.

“We are thrilled to welcome Carl. His visionary leadership will unite our community in making lasting, transformative impacts,” Bobby Crum, chair of the United Way of St. Johns County board of directors, said in a news release.

Under Cricco’s leadership, United Way of St. Johns County will remain focused on mobilizing the community to action, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive, the release said. 

“Together with our dedicated partners, donors, and volunteers, we will continue to tackle the most pressing challenges, support families in need, and create lasting, positive change across St. Johns and Putnam Counties. I am excited to lead United Way in building a stronger, more resilient community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive,” Cricco said in the release.

Cricco previously was CEO of K9s for Warriors. Before that, Cricco was senior vice president of sales and marketing at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City.


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