In anticipation of “Celebrate Pro Bono Week,” Oct. 20-26, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, the Jacksonville Bar Association’s Pro Bono Committee and Three Rivers Legal Services say a heartfelt "thank you" to members of the JBA for their dedication and volunteer service to the vulnerable and underserved in our community in the past year.
Celebrate Pro Bono Week serves not only as a chance to thank our wonderful pro bono volunteers but also as an opportunity to encourage our volunteer attorneys to remain actively engaged.
Additionally, we want to recruit new volunteer attorneys as there is a growing need for additional pro bono work locally.
If you are not already involved in pro bono work, we encourage you to consider taking on a pro bono case or volunteering your time at a legal clinic.
Aaron Irving is director of pro bono, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid. Samantha Howell is pro bono director, Three Rivers Legal Services.