City Council gives final OK for Airport Commerce Center

Plans for the site, west of Interstate 95 and Pecan Park Road, include up to 3.1 million square feet of industrial space.

  • By Ric Anderson
  • | 9:25 p.m. November 26, 2024
  • | 2 Free Articles Remaining!
Flint Development is exploring the development of Airport Commerce Center, a 316-acre site north of Jacksonville International Airport. Access to Interstate 95 is via Pecan Park Road or south to Airport Road.
Flint Development is exploring the development of Airport Commerce Center, a 316-acre site north of Jacksonville International Airport. Access to Interstate 95 is via Pecan Park Road or south to Airport Road.
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The proposed Airport Commerce Center in North Jacksonville is poised to launch after action Nov. 26 by the Jacksonville City Council.

Council voted 19-0 to approve both a rezoning request (Ordinance 2024-0717) and a large-scale amendment to the city’s 2045 comprehensive plan (Ordinance 2024-0716) for the proposed industrial park north of Jacksonville International Airport.

Flint Development is the developer for an up to 3.1 million-square-foot industrial park on a 315.42-acre site along Arnold and Pecan Park roads north of Jacksonville International Airport.

The vote came without comment from Council or the public after the legislation had been approved by the Jacksonville Planning Commission and Council Land Use and Zoning Committee.

Flint Development LLC of Kansas proposes to develop the 315.42-acre site with up to 3.1 million square feet of industrial space. Subema LLC of Tallahassee owns the land.

The site, west of Interstate 95 and Pecan Park Road, is bordered to the north by a solar farm, to the east by Pecan Park Road, to the south by Jacksonville International Airport and to the west by Seton Creek. 

A map of the Flint Development project location in North Jacksonville.

The rezoning is from Public Building and Facilities-2, Public Buildings Facilities-3 and Industrial Light to Planned Unit Development to permit light industrial development. The large-scale amendment changes the future land use designation from Agriculture and Public Buildings and Facilities to Light Industrial on about 229.01 acres.

A revised plan filed with the legislation shows seven buildings from 141,960 to 1,071,360 square feet in size. 

The project is identified in city records as the Arnold Road PUD. It is also called the Airport Commerce Center. 


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