Sanitas Medical Center to open Jan. 2 in Regency Park

Florida Blue and GuideWell Health will operate the primary care medical facility that serves patients ages 50 and older.

  • By Dan Macdonald
  • | 12:00 a.m. December 13, 2023
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Alicia Zoya, GuideWell Health director of Clinical Services, shows a model of the  Sanitas Medical Center waiting room. Florida Blue has a sales office near the Sanitas that includes mock-ups of the new clinic.
Alicia Zoya, GuideWell Health director of Clinical Services, shows a model of the Sanitas Medical Center waiting room. Florida Blue has a sales office near the Sanitas that includes mock-ups of the new clinic.
Photo by Dan Macdonald
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Florida Blue and its parent company, GuideWellMutual Holding Company, are preparing to open Jacksonville’s first Sanitas Medical Center on Jan. 2.  in the Regency Park shopping center.

The center,  at 9400 Atlantic Blvd., Suite 11, is in part of the former Hobby Lobby space next to Elevate Life Church and Crunch Fitness.

Hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The medical care center will serve Florida Blue customers, original Medicare and self-paying patients ages 50 and older. The health center will serve as the primary care provider and serve walk-in patients, but not emergency room services.

It will have a staff of 14 with a doctor, a nurse practitioner and a mental health counselor on duty.

Sanitas Medical Center plans to open Jan. 2 at 9400 Atlantic Blvd., Suite 11, in part of the former Hobby Lobby space next to Elevate Life Church and Crunch Fitness in the Regency Park shopping center.
Photo by Dan Macdonald

Before an appointment, patients complete a form explaining their conditions and symptoms. The medical staff will evaluate the information to be prepared for the appointment, said Alicia  Zoya, GuideWell Health director of Clinical Services.

“We really value that provider-patient relationship. Patients are going to get more time with the providers – up to 40-minute visits, “ she said.

In addition to examination rooms, the facility will have an on-site lab, pharmacy, X-ray, electrocardiogram and ultrasound testing. There are no plans for MRI equipment.

Sanitas also offers telemedicine services and patients have access to their medical information via a website.

Alicia Zoya, GuideWell Health director of Clinical Services, shows a model of an exam room in a Sanitas Medical Center.
Photo by Dan Macdonald

Medical social services will include Zumba, yoga and cooking and nutrition programs. Transportation can be arranged for those needing a ride for appointments.

Sanitas is headquartered in Bogota, Colombia, in South America. It operates in Florida, Tennessee, New Jersey and Texas.

Its website lists 68 offices in the United States with 48 being in Florida in Broward, Miami, Orlando, Palm Beach, Tallahassee and Tampa.

Florida Blue has sales staff in the shopping center at 9400 Atlantic Blvd., Suite 31. The model office is open for those interested in becoming Florida Blue customers. The model shows what the entranceway, waiting room and exam rooms will look like.

Medical appointments are being taken at the model office for services that will begin Jan. 2.

The build-out cost for the 8,752-square-foot Sanitas is $3 million. The contractor is OliverSperry Renovation & Construction Inc. of Tallahassee.


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