These are the largest commercial building permits by job cost issued Oct. 20, 2022 by the city of Jacksonville.
Daily Record Staff
| 12:00 a.m. October 24, 2022
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Amusement Recreational
Florida Georgia football game, 1 TIAA Bank Field Drive, contractor is DoxMi Holdings LLC, temporary seating for Oct. 29, 2022, $1.2 million.
KidStrong Argyle Forest, 6251 Argyle Forest Blvd., No. 104, contractor is Atlas Built Construction LLC, 6,400 square feet, tenant build-out, $250,000.
Williams Walk Condominium Association Inc., 12700 Bartram Park Blvd., contractor is Rick Arsenault Certified Pool Consultant Inc., tile and plaster pool, $91,050.
Jacksonville Aviation Authority, 13364 Airman Drive, contractor is C.C. Borden Construction Inc., 1,056 square feet, install water storage tank, $20,000.
Imeson Commerce Center, 1000 Imeson Park Blvd., contractor is Evans General Contractors LLC, 422,136 square feet, new warehouse building, $25.7 million.
Swisher International, 459 E. 16th St., contractor is SDS Construction LLC, 960 square feet, build flavor room within existing building, $882,750.
CubeSmart Self Storage, 4520 San Juan Ave., contractor is Bay to Bay Properties LLC, 144 square feet, new dumpster enclosure, $25,000.
Clear Channel Outdoor Inc., 13597 Philips Highway, contractor is Clear Channel Outdoor Inc., install digital billboard, $150,000.
Wendy’s, 10101 New Berlin Road, contractor is Outdoor Images Inc., two wall signs, $5,600.
Bolero, 10333 San Jose Blvd., contractor is Gainesville Neon & Signs LLC, wall sign, $4,600.
Stores, Mercantile
Plush N’ Prana, 2761 Park St., contractor is Southern Grace Homes LLC, 739 square feet, tenant build-out, $47,737.