Farah & Farah helping send students to college

The law firm’s annual scholarship program is covering education costs for five high school seniors.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 4:50 a.m. November 22, 2021
  • | 5 Free Articles Remaining!
Andre Bodison
Andre Bodison
  • Law
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Farah & Farah is helping cover the costs for the first two years of college for five high school seniors selected for their academic performance and community service.

Recipients of the Jacksonville law firm’s second annual Empowering Greatness Scholarship Program were announced Nov. 18.

“The high cost of postsecondary education is one of the biggest barriers to earning a degree,” said Eddie Farah, founding partner, in a news release. 

“We believe in what these bright young students are doing and respect how they have overcome challenges and stepped up as leaders in their schools and communities.”

Three of the students live in Jacksonville.

• Andre Bodison of Andrew Jackson High School maintains a 4.4 grade-point average while working three jobs. He is a member of the National Honor Society and volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida and the Wildlife Immersion and Leadership Development Program.

Mykal Bolden
Mykal Bolden

• Mykal Bolden of Jean Ribault Senior High School maintains a 4.1 GPA and is a member of Young Decision Makers, 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project and the TRIO Program.

Chauncey Hart
Chauncey Hart

• Chauncey Hart of Douglas Anderson School of the Arts maintains a 4.0 GPA and is a member of the Douglas Anderson Wind Symphony and the Mayor’s Youth At Work Program.

• Zaniyah Williams of Vanguard High School in Ocala and Neila Mathurin of Cypress Creek High School in Orlando also will receive scholarships.

Through the firm’s dollar-for-dollar match with the Florida Prepaid College Foundation, each student will receive registration fees, tuition and class fees for 60 credit hours at any of Florida’s public colleges and universities.

A panel of judges reviews applications and chooses the recipients based on financial factors, student academic interest and a scholarship essay prompting how an educational pursuit may help someone overcome challenges and positively impact change in a community.

Visit farahandfarah.com/scholarship for more information about the program or to apply for next year’s awards.


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