Letter to the Editor: Your editorial was outrageous self-dealing

You can submit a letter to the editor via email at editorial@jaxdailyrecord.com or mail to 121 W. Forsyth St. Suite 150, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202.

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You can submit a letter to the editor via email at editorial@jaxdailyrecord.com or mail to 121 W. Forsyth St. Suite 150, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202.

Your editorial was outrageous self-dealing

Over the years, I have seen many self-serving editorials in a long career as a journalist. But yours of Feb. 4 takes the prize as the most outrageous self-dealing on the part of a publisher yet. 

Calling for letting the marketplace to decide is synonymous with asking for the public notices for your own periodical, which is clearly what you are doing. 

I have no dog in this fight, but I recognize hypocrisy when I see it. 

If you think the Daily Record should get public notices, give the argument for that, but don’t dress it up as being in the public interest. 

And attacking Republicans may be to serve your need for virtue signaling, but it will do little for the health of your newspaper.

John Motavalli, Jacksonville


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