IT firm proposes 250-job expansion: Project Avalanche requests incentives

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  • | 12:00 p.m. April 7, 2017
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An unidentified IT company headquartered in Jacksonville wants to add 250 positions with the help of city and state incentives.

The company, listed only as “Project Avalanche” in city legislation introduced Wednesday, plans to retain at least 300 current employees while adding the new jobs by the end of 2021.

The average wage of the new positions would be $70,000.

It seeks city and state incentives totaling $1.875 million.

Avalanche is seeking public investment of $1.5 million, or $6,000 per job, through the state Qualified Target Industry Program, paid out over five years beginning in 2020.

The state would award 80 percent, or up to $1.2 million, with the city picking up the additional 20 percent, or up to $300,000.

Additionally, the state proposes to provide a Florida Flex Training Grant of up to $375,000 to support the company at no cost to the city.

A legislative fact sheet says the project will make a capital investment of at least $12.1 million.

The legislation was introduced as a fast-track bill, which requests a two-reading passage in City Council.

According to the agreement, Avalanche would add 130 full-time jobs by 2019, an additional 55 positions in 2020, and another 65 jobs by December 2021.

Avalanche provides IT services to the health care industry.

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