U.S. Supreme Court denies ParkerVision's request to review lawsuit

  • By Mark Basch
  • | 12:00 p.m. March 29, 2016
  • | 5 Free Articles Remaining!
Jeff Parker
Jeff Parker
  • Law
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ParkerVision Inc. on Monday said the U.S. Supreme Court rejected its request to review its original patent infringement lawsuit against Qualcomm Inc., thereby ending the case filed in July 2011.

Jacksonville-based ParkerVision still has other legal actions pending against Qualcomm and other electronics manufacturers in federal court and before the International Trade Commission. Those are continuing.

ParkerVision, which has developed wireless technology for use in mobile devices, alleged Qualcomm infringed on its patented technology.

A jury in the Orlando Division of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida agreed with ParkerVision and ordered Qualcomm to pay $173 million in damages in 2013.

However, U.S. District Judge Roy B. Dalton Jr. overturned that verdict in 2014.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld the judge’s decision in July 2015, prompting ParkerVision to file for a Writ of Certiorari requesting a review of the decision by the high court four weeks ago.

“We are disappointed that the Supreme Court decided not to hear and weigh in on this important matter,” ParkerVision Chief Executive Jeff Parker said in a news release Monday.

“The Federal Circuit’s lack of respect for jury verdicts, especially those that find in favor of patent holders, undermines the property rights that innovators depend on when investing significant amounts of resources to create new inventions,” he said.

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