New theme (FearLess), new location (Florida Theatre) for TEDxJacksonville conference in October

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  • | 12:00 p.m. March 29, 2016
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It didn’t take long for the TEDxJacksonville team to select the theme for its October conference.

About 45 minutes, in fact.

Once “FearLess” emerged as a possibility during a January retreat, there was “a lot of consensus and excitement around it, given the political climate,” said Sabeen Perwaiz, executive producer for TEDxJacksonville.

That theme will be the thread for the dozen speakers who will share their messages Oct. 22 at the Florida Theatre. Messages about not only facing fears, but moving beyond them.

It’s a theme that resonates with Perwaiz, particularly after an event she held in Jacksonville about Syrian refugees. She wanted the audience to be able to make decisions on the issue based on facts, rather than fears.

Helping people make informed and educated decisions versus ones based on assumptions or fear-mongering, she said.

Applications for speakers are being accepted through June 30. Information is on the group’s website,

Typically TEDxJacksonville receives about 150 applications, which are whittled to 35 or so candidates who are interviewed.

Then comes the difficult work of finding the right balance of speakers for the day.

Each selection has to be unanimous, Perwaiz said.

Sometimes it takes some discussion to get everyone on board. She said there’s only been one occasion since 2012 where the group couldn’t reach a unanimous decision. That speaker was not chosen.

Because the conferences have sold out the past three years at WJCT’s studios, the group decided to move this year’s event to the Florida Theatre. It was a way to host 700 people, doubling the capacity from years past, while also supporting Downtown.

In addition to planning the conference, the all-volunteer group at TEDxJacksonville is working on other offerings, as well.

The first is next month’s “Aging: Everybody’s Doing It” event April 16 at Jacksonville University. The idea spun out of Perwaiz attending the Jacksonville Community Council Inc.’s study on aging last year.

Tickets are available through the TEDxJacksonville website.

Other “salon” events will be on women’s health in May, the city’s northwest quadrant (likely in June) and “Women Kicking Ass” (probably in July).

The group also is mirroring an idea from a Boston counterpart, offering “TEDx Adventures” to those at the October conference.

Perwaiz said it will give people a chance for behind-the-scenes access to nonprofits, businesses and other organizations.

It’s a way to answer the question of “what’s next?” after attending a conference, she said. Another way to help further ideas and build the community.


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