City notes: Jacksonville Suns show off stadium improvements

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  • | 12:00 p.m. March 23, 2016
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A look at what the Jacksonville Suns' Tiki Terrace area looked like Tuesday.
A look at what the Jacksonville Suns' Tiki Terrace area looked like Tuesday.
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Before the first pitch of the season, the Jacksonville Suns will have a spate of improvements at the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville.

Unveiled Tuesday, the additions include a group picnic area behind the Suns bullpen and a Tiki Terrace area near the left-field foul pole. Improvements include the renovation of 12 private suites and expansion of the Sundowner Lounge.

The projects total $1.8 million and were funded by Suns ownership.

In more detail:

• The Tiki Terrace will be open to all fans and replaces what previously was a mound of grass. Seating is available and the venue will be the “new epicenter” for drink specials.

• The Bullpen Terrace behind the third-base side will be closest to the field and include high-top swivel seating and drink rails for groups of 24-48 people. Cost is $30 per person and includes 30 minutes and all-you-can-eat ballpark food.

• The Sundowner Lounge has almost doubled in space and serves as the only suite-level area open to all fans.

• The private suites have been renovated with new finishes and furniture and are climate-controlled. They are available for full and partial seasons as well as single-game rentals.

For more information, visit


Small Business Administration names top lenders for 2015

The Small Business Administration has named the top lenders for its North Florida District Office for 2015, a year in which 1,033 loans valued at $502.6 million were made.

The winners are:

• Florida First Capital Finance Corp.: Top certified development company by number of loans and dollar amount

• Wells Fargo: Top 7(a) lender by number of loans

• SunTrust Bank: Top 7(a) lender by dollar amount

• CBC National Bank: Top community bank lender by dollar amount

• CBC National Bank and Florida Capital Bank: Top community bank lender by number of loans

• 121 Financial Credit Union: Top first mortgage lender

• McCoy’s Federal Credit Union: Top credit union of the year


Riverside Arts Market website will detail weekly vendor information

Riverside Arts Market has upgraded its website to allow customers to view what vendors will be at the market and where each week.

Additionally, it will provide contact information for the vendors.

The website upgrade happened just as the market launched its eighth season under the Fuller Warren Bridge each Saturday.

The market is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March through December and showcases up to 200 artists, food vendors, entertainers and nonprofits. For information, visit


Changes in leadership at Advanced Disposal

Advanced Disposal has made two changes in leadership of the company.

Tammy Wilson has been promoted to senior vice president of sales and marketing, while Mark Nighbor has been has been named vice president of marketing and communications.

Both will assume additional responsibilities as part of the move.

Wilson joined Advanced Disposal in 2001 and has served as vice president of sales since January 2013. She has more than 22 years of industry experience and will assume responsibility for marketing in addition to her current sales and customer care responsibilities.

Nighbor has been in the solid waste and recycling industry since 2003 and has more than 32 years of sales and marketing experience.

He’s been director of sales and marketing since 2013. In his expanded role, he also will oversee corporate communications in addition to managing marketing.

He will report to Wilson, while Wilson reports to Chief Operating Officer John Spegal.


FSCJ gets $2M in state funds for medical center

The list of appropriations that comes each year from the state Legislature was a boon for Florida State College at Jacksonville.

The college received $2 million for a medical and nursing simulation center on its North Campus at 4501 Capper Road.

The funding lets FSCJ expand its programs, according to a news release. The request was supported by seven local hospitals, President Cynthia Bioteau said in the release.

The simulation center will provide students with hands-on instruction for careers in the medical field. It will have three simulation labs and lead to interdisciplinary programs for nursing and other allied health programs in fields including respiratory, radiology, occupational therapy assistance, physical therapy assistance and pharmacy technology.

The school receives 2,200 nursing applicants annually and has capacity to serve 400. The funding will boost that number to 1,200, which goes toward helping fill Florida’s shortage of 12,000 nurses, according to the release.


Scott names two to clinical laboratory board

Gov. Rick Scott has appointed one and reappointed another to the Florida Board of Clinical Laboratory personnel.

Dr. Yvette McCarter has been appointed for a term that ends Oct. 31, 2018. She is director of clinical microbiology at UF Health College of Medicine.

Carleen Van Siclen has been reappointed for a term that ends Oct. 31, 2019. She is a laboratory education coordinator at Mayo Clinic.

The state board includes a laboratory director, supervisor, technologist, consumer and a blood gas analyst or technician responsible for laboratory test procedures. The board regulates the industry.


A first for JTAMobilityWorks

The first major roadway construction project under the JTAMobilityWorks program broke ground this morning.

The East Arlington project involves widening the existing roadway to five lanes between Atlantic and Ashley Melisse boulevards and three lanes between Ashley Melisse and McCormick Road. It includes curbs, gutters, center turn lanes, sidewalks and bike lanes.

The JTAMobilityWorks program was designed to complete projects funded by the extension of the Local Option Gas Tax, which consists of $100 million.

With the funding, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority will complete 13 roadway projects in 14 mobility corridors.


Fanatics expands at Cypress Point

Fanatics Inc. is expanding its operations at Cypress Point Business Park, according to a news release.

The online sports merchandise retailer signed a lease with HGL Properties, the business park’s developer, to relocate its fan services and support business line to the park.

The lease, effective this summer, is for 59,500 square feet at 7215 Financial Way. That increases its footprint to 117,500 square feet since moving its U.S. headquarters to Cypress Point in 2015.

“HGL is pleased with the growing working relationship with Fanatics and we look forward to continuing to provide Fanatics with real estate solutions in the future,” says Will Stout, managing partner of HGL Properties.

HGL Properties was represented by Graham & Co. brokers Mark Scott and Peter Crolius.

Fanatics was represented by Guy Preston of Colliers International.

Cypress Point is a 344,000-square-foot business park in the Butler/Baymeadows corridor. Other tenants include US Assure, ADT and Selene Financial.





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