Proposed Brooklyn Gate store is heading to DDRB

A rendering included with the Downtown Development Review Board application for the proposed Gate store in Brooklyn.
A rendering included with the Downtown Development Review Board application for the proposed Gate store in Brooklyn.
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Gate Petroleum Co.’s proposed Brooklyn store is tentatively scheduled for review next week at the Downtown Development Review Board.

Jacksonville-based Gate wants to buy the property at Park and Forest streets for development of a 6,401-square-foot Gate convenience store and gas station, along with a car wash.

The conceptual approval hearing is scheduled March 10.

Downtown Development Coordinator Jim Klement said Downtown Investment Authority staff is reviewing the application this week and will discuss the project in context with Downtown design guidelines.

The review board operates under the Downtown Investment Authority with authority staff support.

The application says the Gate store would take six months to build once construction starts.

Plans show the store, on 1.87 acres, would face Park Street, with 20 fueling positions and a canopy in the front. The addresses are 436 and 444 Park St.

A car wash would be on the north side of the property, along Forest Street. The store would feature outdoor seating, air and vacuum stations and 26 parking spaces.

A rendering shows it will include a Yobe frozen yogurt shop.

Gate Vice President Becky Hamilton said the company is moving toward completing the property purchase but expects to request an extension of its approval period from the seller.

That would push the closing to May 9, later than the initially expected April timeframe.

After the DDRB approves conceptual review, a plan then is submitted for final review. If the final review is not appealed to the Downtown Investment Authority, the project moves to the permitting process.

Ware Family Realty LLC, led by Christopher Ware, owns the property and is selling it to Gate.

The project architect is Ebert Norman Brady Architects and the engineer is Prosser.

The application includes a letter requesting approval of deviations from setback, entrances, off-street parking and transparency requirements in the Downtown District Regulations of the city’s Zoning Code.

The store will have two to four employees per shift.

Two Doors Down operator Norman Abraham closed the popular breakfast and lunch restaurant at 436 Park St. on Nov. 25 in anticipation of its lease expiration Dec. 29.

Printing and Promotional Partners at 444 Park St. moved to 6320 St. Augustine Road.

The Johnstone Supply operation on the 400 block moved into the 500 block, where the company has a branch. Ware is CEO of The Ware Group, which owns Johnstone Supply.

Gate has been expanding with new gas station-convenience stores. A location in Brooklyn gives it access to the redeveloping Brooklyn-Riverside area as well as access to and from Interstate 95.

Stone Mountain takes control of NorthPoint Industrial Park

Gwinnett Industries Inc., controlled by some members of the Pattillo family, sold three buildings on almost 33 acres at NorthPoint Industrial Park to limited liability companies owned by Stone Mountain Industrial Park Inc.

The property will continue to be operated by Pattillo Industrial Real Estate, which is the address for the Georgia LLCs that bought the properties.

Gwinnett, Stone Mountain and Pattillo Industrial Real Estate are based in Atlanta and share some common leadership.

In three transactions, Gwinnett sold the property for $25.36 million. The deeds were recorded Monday with the Duval County Clerk of Court.

Pattillo Vice President Peter Anderson said the sale consolidates all of the NorthPoint property under Stone Mountain Industrial Park ownership.

Anderson said the three properties sold are developed with 150,000- to 200,000-square-foot buildings. They are along Port Jacksonville Parkway.

“This consolidates everything in NorthPoint under Stone Mountain Industrial Park,” he said.

He said the companies have sold properties to each other from time to time. No changes are expected as a result of the sale.

NorthPoint is a 350-acre industrial park in North Jacksonville.

Stone Mountain Industrial Park also owns Westside Industrial Park, which is operated by Pattillo Industrial Real Estate as well.

HomeGuard buys warehouse

HomeGuard Holdings Inc. acquired its leased Westside warehouse for $1.038 million from Samuel M. Easton Jr., as trustee of the 5430 Shawland Road Trust.

Synovus Bank issued a mortgage for $831,200 to HomeGuard.

The deed and mortgage were executed Monday and recorded Tuesday with the Duval County Clerk of Court.

Easton said HomeGuard has been a tenant at the property for several years.

HomeGuard bought a 33,425-square-foot warehouse-distribution building and a parking lot, totaling 2.35 acres.

Easton said HomeGuard has invested in upgrades to the property. “They’re going to be there for the long haul and they’re doing well,” he said.

Easton said HomeGuard also bought a contiguous lot last year for growth. Property records show it paid $60,000 in October for 2.9 acres of vacant industrial land.

HomeGuard’s president was not available for comment Tuesday afternoon.

HomeGuard’s LinkedIn profile says it supplies the building and construction industries with comprehensive envelope products to protect buildings under construction and after completion.

It also services the industry with custom printing solutions and distribution of products throughout North America.

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(904) 356-2466


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