Jazz Festival, powerboat race approved for tourism grants

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 p.m. February 19, 2016
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The Duval County Tourist Development Council approved nine grants for events and groups Thursday, totaling $84,000 and representing nearly 11,000 room nights in Jacksonville hotels.

The two largest grants — $20,000 each — went to the Jacksonville Jazz Festival and the P1 Jacksonville Grand Prix 2016 powerboat race event.

The grant for the city’s annual jazz music festival will be used for national and regional promotion of the event in markets at least 150 miles from Jacksonville.

City Sports and Entertainment Officer Dave Herrell said ads will be purchased in two national magazines: Jazziz and Jazz Times.

A direct mail campaign also is being developed aimed at jazz fans outside the North Florida market, he said.

The festival is May 26-29 in the core of Downtown, along Laura Street between Hemming Park and the Jacksonville Landing. The main stage will return to Adams and Main streets, sponsored by the Jacksonville Aviation Authority.

The P1 Jacksonville Grand Prix also will use grant funds for marketing Jacksonville as a destination for tourists.

James Durbin, CEO of Powerboat P1, the Orlando-based manufacturer of the boats used in the races, said the event is marketed internationally on sports and news television networks. He showed to the council a video promoting the event and the city.

“We plan to make this a signature event with a global draw,” he said.

The races will return June 4-6 to the St. Johns River near Memorial Park in Riverside.

Convention grants also were awarded to the:

• National Strength & Conditioning Association Personal Trainers Conference

• ECRM Select Cosmetics

• All Female Riders national motorcycle club

• Southeastern Employment & Training Association

• International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists

• Life Care Assurance Annual Conference

• Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Annual Session.

The tourism council’s next meeting is scheduled May 26 at City Hall.

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(904) 356-2466


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