Deterioration shuts down Coastline Drive in front of Hyatt

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  • | 12:00 p.m. February 11, 2016
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The stretch of Coastline Drive in front of the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront was closed this afternoon due to deterioration.
The stretch of Coastline Drive in front of the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront was closed this afternoon due to deterioration.
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One of the last — and most used — stretches of Coastline Drive along the Northbank Riverwalk was unexpectedly closed Thursday afternoon to vehicles and pedestrians.

The section in front of the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, used by walkers and joggers along with hotel guests and car traffic, is out of service at the order of the Florida Department of Transportation.

According to department spokesman Ron Tittle, there is increased deterioration of the structure that led to the closing.

Department bridge inspectors have been reviewing the situation regularly the past few months.

The latest report has not been sent to the city, but the data showed the move was needed. Specific information about inspections is not released due to Homeland Security requirements, Tittle said.

Gino Caliendo, Hyatt general manager, said in a statement the hotel is working to make sure the closure has as little impact as possible for guests and operators. Modifications have been made for an arrival and departure area on Newnan Street.

“We look forward to how the redevelopment of the area will positively impact Downtown Jacksonville and our hotel in the future,” he said.

It’s the latest closure for the Northbank stretch.

A large portion of Liberty Street collapsed into the St. Johns River in February 2015 forcing immediate closure of the stretch and displacing nearby residents who lost power. It remains closed.

Mayor Lenny Curry has a $37 million plan in place that will reconfigure and reconstruct that area in two years. The project is in the planning phase.

That plan also calls for the reconstruction of the Hyatt section of roadway that was closed Thursday.

Additionally, a large section of the Northbank Riverwalk west of the impacted area in front of the Jacksonville Landing is closed until mid-March while JEA completes a sewer project.

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(904) 356-2466


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