Chairs: Jessica Dumas and Erik Berger
Goals for the year: To educate practitioners on new developments in the law. To have round-table discussions monthly where practitioners share experiences and ideas. To have educational seminars twice a year where speakers help practitioners hone skills. To educate Bar members about the need for pro bono work in the field.
How to get involved: Call or email Jessica Dumas at [email protected] or (904) 221-0255.
Chair: Laurie M. Lee
Goals for the year: To create a strong collegial group of transactional business attorneys and to promote business development, professional development and career satisfaction. We are planning business-related CLEs, business-related pro bono opportunities, social activities and round-table discussions on business topics.
How to get involved: We welcome all business transactional attorneys to our meetings and events. Email Laurie Lee at [email protected] to join our committee and visit our committee website for a calendar of events.
Chairs: Kathy Para and Laura Boeckman
Goals for the year: The Pro Bono Committee is very excited this year to be launching the Pro Bono Initiative. We’re committed to supporting every substantive committee in identifying a meaningful and manageable pro bono project that complements the professional development goals of its members and fills a gap in legal services in our community.
How to get involved: Send an email to Kathy Para, [email protected] or Laura Boeckman, [email protected].
Chairs: Sarah Mannion and Vanessa Zamora Newtson
Goals for the year: In our second year as a committee, we are seeking to expand our membership and to host at least three events: a CLE on Cuban relations in the fall; a mentoring mixer with law students in early spring; and a half-day CLE in spring in conjunction with the Diversity Committee.
How to get involved: Email Sarah Mannion at [email protected] or Vanessa Zamora Newtson at [email protected].