Bar Bulletin: Following Rotary's motto of 'service above self'

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  • | 12:00 p.m. March 2, 2015
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Judges Hugh Carithers, Virginia Norton, Marianne Aho and Karen Cole at the Raymond Ehrlich Trial Advocacy Seminar.
Judges Hugh Carithers, Virginia Norton, Marianne Aho and Karen Cole at the Raymond Ehrlich Trial Advocacy Seminar.
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Many Jacksonville Bar Association members also are Rotarians. Rotary’s primary motto is “service above self.”

As a Rotary member, I am extremely proud of the selfless attitude and altruistic acts and events conducted by my Rotary club for the benefit of the community.

Similarly, I could not be more proud of the countless volunteers selflessly serving in leadership roles in the six JBA sections and 35 corresponding JBA committees.

These individuals spend countless hours coordinating meetings, drafting articles, providing updates to the JBA board and conducting Continuing Legal Education events for the good of the membership.

They provide a great benefit to all Jacksonville Bar Association members and our community. They truly exemplify “service above self.”

A few recent events are noteworthy.

On Feb. 11, The Jacksonville Bar Association’s Litigation Section, under the leadership of Charles Jimerson and the Ehrlich Seminar Committee, conducted the 13th annual Raymond Ehrlich Trial Advocacy Seminar.

The event was in conjunction with the Bar’s member luncheon such that the Ehrlich Seminar attendees could also attend the luncheon.

The keynote speaker, Carl Smallwood, immediate past president of the National Conference of Bar Presidents, presented an enlightening speech tied to the diversity-themed luncheon.

The Ehrlich Seminar was a fabulous success and boasted attendance of more than 150 lawyers and a “Who’s Who” list of distinguished speakers.

On Feb. 17, the Government Relations Committee hosted the inaugural Municipal Election Meet and Greet from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Wells Fargo Center lobby.

Anytime you take on a new event, you have to expend considerable effort fine-tuning the details and there is always something that has to be tweaked at the last second. The event was no exception.

The Government Relations Committee, led by Anthony Zebouni (pronounced Zebooohhhni) coordinated with hundreds of potential candidates and campaign committees.

The Meet and Greet also was a marvelous success and boasted attendance of about 150 “Meet and Greeters” and more than 35 candidates, including candidates for mayor, sheriff, constitutional offices candidates and City Council. This was a member benefit free to all JBA members.

Not to be out done, The Jacksonville Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section, hosted two events in February.

On Feb. 19, the YLS conducted its new Charity Poker Tournament dubbed the DEAL for HEAL at the bestbet Poker Room for the benefit of the HEAL Foundation.

Two days later, the YLS was back at it. On Feb. 21, the YLS hosted its sixth annual Chili Cook-Off at the Riverside Arts Market for the benefit of Friends of Jacksonville Animals. The events had incredible turn-outs with more than 500 attendees and over $19,000 raised for charity.

While I can’t list all of the events hosted by the JBA and its committees, I do want to highlight another inaugural event — at least with regard to venue.

The Jacksonville Bar Association is excited to present the first TPC at TPC, which combines a top notch professionalism seminar with a fun networking event during The Players Championship.

All attendees will receive quality presentations, five hours of CLE ethics credits (we all need these), lunch, parking at TPC and all-day access to DYE’s Pavilion, located on the 16th fairway, which includes air-conditioning, private restroom facilities, snacks and drinks (including an open bar).

This event promises to be an exceptional CLE event coupled with views of professional golfers playing the 16th and 18th holes from a chalet. Did I mention the open bar?

This event is capped at 250 attendees and will sell out quickly.

Please contact The Jacksonville Bar office or visit to register. Professionalism Committee Chair Christian George and his committee have done an incredible job pulling this event together. Be sure to sign up soon.

In conclusion, “service above self” is alive and well in your Jacksonville Bar Association. If you were unable to participate in a section or committee this year, and if “service above self” is a theme in your life, please contact The Jacksonville Bar Association to find out what opportunities await.

As always, your Bar is open for business.


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