Advice to my younger self from past Jacksonville Bar Association presidents

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  • | 12:00 p.m. July 20, 2015
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Thomas Edwards Jr.
Thomas Edwards Jr.
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Dan Bean, Holland & Knight

"Do not be too quick to judge others: Until you know the totality of circumstances, do not be too quick to judge other lawyers for the decisions their clients made. Consider all the possibilities and understand that the lawyer might have privately recommended a different course of action that the client chose to ignore. After time has passed and further investigation is completed, you will most likely find that the decision you were too quick to criticize was in fact the right decision.

"No burning of bridges: It is truly a small world, therefore, no burning of any bridges. Time will show you that you will need that bridge to be strong and sturdy so that it can shoulder the burden you are currently carrying. You do not want to find yourself on one side of the

abyss with no way to cross."


G. Ray Driver Jr., Driver, McAfee, Peek & Hawthorne

"If I’m Brad Paisley and writing a “Letter to Me,” I would tell me to take a few more meaningful vacations, eat dinner at home a little more often and exercise a whole lot more. “And oh, you got so much going for you going right. But I know (as a young lawyer) it’s hard to see past (the billable hours) … If I could write a letter to me.”


Thomas S. Edwards Jr., Edwards & Ragatz

"1. Integrity is the foundation of your reputation. Work to maintain it in all you do, especially when under pressure.

2. A strong work ethic is also a foundation that enables you to properly represent clients — and yourself — in the best manner possible.

3. Mentors are an invaluable asset who help you flourish and do your best for your community and your clients. Seek them out and cherish them.

4. Service to improve your profession and your community is a core responsibility you should always find to provide."


Michael Freed, Gunster

"First, nice hair! Take good care of it. Second, and of more professional importance, you will be practicing law in this community longer than you will have any one client or case. Even while zealously and aggressively advocating for your clients, remember to be respectful and collegial to opposing counsel. It is the right way to practice, you will get greater joy out of your career and it will bear fruit."


Reginald Luster, Reginald Luster firm

"Rededicate to the principle, “I will never reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed, or delay anyone’s cause for lucre or malice. So help me God.” Contribute your time and money to The Florida Bar Foundation, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Three Rivers Legal Services or other organizations built on the principle of providing legal assistance to those who cannot afford to retain an attorney."




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