Bar Bulletin: Follow and be good to your heart

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  • | 12:00 p.m. July 6, 2015
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Health: Young Lawyers Section dodgeball tournament
Health: Young Lawyers Section dodgeball tournament
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Life is short and priceless.

I invite you to join us in a journey to Follow and Be Good to Your Heart, Re-Think and Re-Focus — your knowledge, commitments, habits, participation and service to Maximize the Presence, Health and Wealth of our members and community. Change comes as a result of your actions. Take action now.

Join us in this journey, so that a year from now you can say — I am happier with my life, happy to be a lawyer, happy to be a JBA member and I have followed and been good to my heart.

In our hearts, we are not our work, awards, status or possessions. Instead, we can find peace, relationships, health, knowledge, passion, service and gratitude. I am grateful to Troy Smith for his remarkable leadership, to our board members for their commitment to make the JBA the best and to Marks Gray, my law firm, for their extraordinary support.

Your presence

Maximizing your presence — in person and online — is essential. Research shows that someone’s personal presence accounts for 74.5 percent of their credibility and success.

Take advantage of at least three things that the JBA offers you to maximize your presence:

• Take action on your membership and join or rejoin us at and create or update your member profile page and picture;

• Join one or two committees and become involved; and

• Attend our events and make a firm effort to connect or re-connect with colleagues.

We have sections that contain several related committees. Our section chairs and vice chairs are meeting with committee leaders to create and re-invigorate programs for you.

Many thanks go to the following section chairs and vice chairs:

• Litigation: Melissa Nelson (McGuire Woods) and Brian Coughlin (The Bedell Firm)

• Transactional Law: Kathy Hartland (Florida Coastal School of Law)

• Practicing with Professionalism: Christian George (Akerman) and Robert Heekin (Thames, Markey and Heekin)

• Community Outreach: Shea Moser (Moseley Prichard) and Anthony Zebouni (Regan, Zebouni and Atwood)

• Member Services: Rose Marie Preddy (Preddy Law) and Ryan Hyde (Thames, Markey and Heekin)

• Family and Children: Sarah Sullivan (Florida Coastal School of Law) and Susannah Collins (Robinson Collins)

There are many opportunities for you to become involved either leading or participating in our committees.

If you are interested in enhancing your presence, and I hope you are, please reach out to me, a board member or one of the chairs above.

Additional thanks go to our dedicated and creative Bar Bulletin team — Cynthia Trimmer (Ansbacher Law), Jessica Mathis (Wicker Smith), Jennifer Kifer (Holland & Knight) and new members Adina Pollan (Gills Way Duncan & Campbell) and Ariane Smith (Boyd & Jenerette) — who, with the support and guidance of Marilyn Young, Daily Record editor, is ready to cover in new and exciting ways, our events, successes, stories and much more.

Your health

We do not necessarily inherit longevity and good health. It is our daily habits and actions that determine the quality and quantity of our lives.

What might seem like inconsequential unhealthy decisions — like a sugary breakfast or sitting for long periods of time — add up quickly and decrease our chances of having a fulfilled life.

We all have friends, colleagues and loved ones who have passed away due primarily to preventable conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Let us help each other make health a priority – for us, our families, friends, community and economy. Join me and take action incorporating healthy choices into your daily lives.

Your wealth

In the 21st century, information, knowledge, insight, wisdom, imagination, relationships and service to others create wealth.

The better educated we are, the better lawyers we are. Take action and attend our CLEs, luncheons and other events to enhance your education and encourage others to do the same. One of the most powerful ways to self-fulfillment and happiness is helping others and giving back.

Ask yourself: What am I passionate about? What makes me come alive? Use that passion to be of service to our organization and community.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

Each of us has the power to be a happier person, lawyer, spouse, parent and friend.

I am honored to be your president and look forward to working with you to Re-Think and Re-Focus to Maximize your Presence, Health and Wealth, so that you can achieve more at work and at home, live a longer and healthier life, and give more to our community.


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