Although it’s not his primary area of practice, Lewis Buzzell chose a guardian advocacy matter and established stability and continuity of care for a disabled young person.
Guardian advocacy is a process under Florida statutes for family members, caregivers or friends of individuals with defined developmental disabilities to obtain the legal authority to act on their behalf.
Although the action does not require an attorney, the process can be intimidating and overwhelming for families who are already challenged with the care of a special needs loved one. Buzzell described one such family:
What were the basic facts of your case?
My client needed to become a guardian for her severely disabled daughter who had reached the age of 18 and is incapable of caring for herself, seeking proper medical attention or applying for benefits.
What were you able to accomplish for your client?
Together, we were able to have her established as the guardian advocate for her daughter.
Why was the outcome important to your client?
My client will be better able to care for her adult child and will be able to obtain more resources to assist them as a family.
Why was the experience important to you? That is, what did you gain from the experience?
It was gratifying to work with my client, who was most appreciative of JALA’s efforts. Without JALA, my client could never have accomplished what we were able to do together. During the process, I learned a lot in an area of law not familiar to me.
What is the name of your firm? In what areas do you practice?
I operate a solo practice in my name. I practice mostly criminal defense.
What advice do you have for other attorneys considering pro bono involvement?
Just do it. You will help somebody who genuinely needs it while learning something that will make you a better, more knowledgeable attorney.
Guardian advocacy actions are not complicated, yet the positive, stabilizing effects for families with special needs adult children are profound. A CLE webinar is available free of charge for attorneys who are interested in serving a family in this area of law.
Expert resource attorneys are available to serve as sounding boards and guides. The need is great. The time investment is minimal.
The benefit for the family is immense. Attorneys are encouraged to contact Para at [email protected] for more information on this and other opportunities throughout the 4th Judicial Circuit and beyond.