"If snow was a flavor ... I’d want it to be rainbow sherbet. Can that be considered a flavor? Why? Easy, I’d get three flavors for the price of one. Additionally, each bit of snow would taste different. I’m all for maximizing my flavor returns. I was tempted to go with Rocky Road, but I would be concerned if snow became the texture of marshmallows or nuts."
Jason Love
Office of the Public Defender
"I guess I would say coconut or pineapple flavor so the snow would remind me of summer.
I’m not a winter girl."
S. Cortney Sedighi
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
If snow were a flavor, it would have to be mangoes. To me, mangoes are the best fruit ever. I would love that when snow falls, mango flavored flakes pour down from the sky. I would go outside and eat to my heart’s content.
Iana Del Benjamin
Darlington Jordan Law, P.A.
"I would choose a mix of all available flavors, commonly known to little leaguers as a suicide. It’s been my favorite snow cone flavor since T-ball, so why shouldn’t it be my go-to snow flavor as well?"
John W. Wallace
Moseley, Prichard, Parrish, Knight & Jones, P.A.