Bar Bulletin question: In what pro bono efforts are you involved?

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  • | 12:00 p.m. August 3, 2015
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Connie Byrd
Connie Byrd
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"I have been taking pro bono appointments as an attorney for children in dependency since 2009. Children come into dependency because something is seriously wrong. Every child

deserves someone who will listen to them and stand up for them — at home, in school and in court. The stories of the children I represent are often heartbreaking, but having the opportunity to help them find answers is life-changing — more for me than for them."

Connie J. Byrd, Byrd & Byrd

Pro bono attorney ad litem


"I recently represented a mother in obtaining supervised visitation against her abusive children’s father. This case has been one of the most satisfying experiences as an attorney. I was able to use my legal skills to make a positive impact on the entire family. As lawyers, we have a duty to use our talents and knowledge to help those who cannot get access to legal help. If all lawyers would just commit to taking a few cases a year, we could vastly improve the legal system in the 4th Circuit."

Ramona S. Chaplin, Law Offices of Ramona S. Chaplin

Pro bono client representation


"I have prepared Advance Directives for Seniors through JALA for years and can say it is truly rewarding pro bono work. The ‘Day 1’ sessions are presentations explaining the documents and answering questions. We actually prepare the documents and leave them with the seniors on ‘Day 2.’ We give our senior citizens peace of mind that their wishes are expressed in legal documents recognized by the courts. These clients are extremely grateful and working with them is

always a fun experience."

Debbie Lee Clark, Advance Directives for Seniors attorney


"Attorneys, can you remember the first time you went up against a pro se litigant? Many attorneys have had bad experiences, and others even refuse to take cases in which there is a pro se litigant. Unfortunately, access to courts continues to be a problem within our profession and many pro se litigants constantly stumble along the way. Through the help of JALA and local pro bono attorneys, pro se litigants are not only learning the basics, but also some rules of the court. Monthly group seminars occur at Jacksonville Area Legal Aid and there is a constant need for pro bono attorneys to assist. Educating our community doesn’t just help the litigants and the court system, it may make your next case against a pro se litigant a better experience."

Shawn A. DeVries, The DeVries Law Firm

Group Information Clinic attorney


"The Sulzbacher Center has been a great asset to the community for many years. To continue the partnership between Sulzbacher and the Public Defender’s Office, we began offering free legal advice to residents once a quarter. Several assistant public defenders take their evenings to assist residents with questions from traffic court issues to Social Security to sealing and expunging criminal records."

Refik Eler, Office of the Public Defender

Project R and Sulzbacher pro bono attorney


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