Pro bono spotlight: Helping a woman protect her grandson

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  • | 12:00 p.m. April 20, 2015
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Troy Farquhar
Troy Farquhar
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Pro bono attorneys have the opportunity to strengthen families and ensure continuity of care for those who are disabled and completely dependent on others. This is precisely what pro bono attorney Troy Farquhar was able to accomplish for a local grandmother and her grandson.

What were the basic facts of your case?

The client had been caring for her developmentally disabled grandson for years without any kind of authority to make medical decisions on his behalf.

I represented the client in an effort to have her appointed as her grandson’s guardian to ensure that she had proper decision-making authority to serve his best interests.

What were you able to accomplish for your client?

We were able to get all of the documents filed and accepted by the court without a filing fee. An attorney was appointed to represent the grandson’s interest as well.

Ultimately my client did receive letters of guardianship, so she is able to make decisions for him that he cannot make.

Why was the outcome important to your client?

The client was concerned that if a medical emergency occurred, she would be unable to make decisions for her grandson.

Why was the experience important to you? That is, what did you gain from the experience?

I always enjoy the pro-bono work I do. It is satisfying to utilize my training to serve a client who otherwise could not afford legal representation. My client was very gracious as well.

What is the name of your firm? In what areas do you practice?

I am a member of Integrity Law, P.A. I also am a part-time Guardian ad Litem program attorney in the 8th Circuit. Our firm practices primarily in the areas of collaborative family law, traditional family law, personal injury, transactional real estate, probate, estate planning and civil litigation.

What advice do you have for other attorneys considering pro bono involvement?

Do it! Volunteer to take cases in areas of the law with which you are unfamiliar. JALA staff attorneys are always available to provide guidance, if requested. Besides, it is just satisfying to help someone in need.

Pro bono involvement matters and is manageable: one client, one attorney, one promise. For more information on pro bono opportunities throughout the 4th Judicial Circuit, attorneys are encouraged to contact Kathy Para, chair of The Jacksonville Bar Association Pro Bono Committee, at [email protected].


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