Name: Charles B. Jimerson
Age: 35
Family: Wife, Ashley; daughter, Lila; and son, Ford.
Pets: Two dogs, Hank (Pasco County basset hound) and Audrey (Weimaraner).
Education: A.A.S. meteorology, Community College of the Air Force; B.B.A., Campbell University Lundy-Fetterman School of Business; professional certification in marketing, the University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics; and J.D., the University of Florida Levin College of Law.
Admitted to the Bar: 2006
Employed by: Jimerson & Cobb, P.A.
Field of practice: A-V rated and board-certified expert in construction law. Specialize in complex business litigation and creditor’s rights.
Professional organizations: The Jacksonville Bar Association (Litigation Section chair), Chester Bedell Inn of Court, Northeast Florida Builders Association (general counsel and board of directors), Construction Financial Management Association, Risk Management Association (Florida state board of directors), JAX Chamber, The Florida Bar (Business Law and Real Estate/Construction sections) and American Bar Association (Litigation, Business Law and Construction Law sections)
Community involvement: Rotary Club of Downtown Jacksonville, Leadership Jacksonville Alumni, Gator Bowl Association, Tim Tebow Foundation, Builders Care, Jacksonville Public Education Fund, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Community Connections.
How did you become involved? Made the choice to. The 3 C’s of life are choices, chances and changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.
How can someone become involved? Join at least one professional or civic organization and commit. Going to meetings and eating sandwiches doesn’t make you involved any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
What have you learned/achieved through the experience? I’ve learned that if I worked dutifully for eight hours per day as a young lawyer that eventually I’d get to be the boss and work 14 hours a day. When opportunity knocks, some people are in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. True opportunity is only created through choice and hard work. Get involved and choose your destiny.
What was the last book you read or are reading? “What They Teach You at Harvard Business School” by Phillip Broughton and “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School” by Mark McCormack. Having conjunctively read those two books, I should now possess the sum total of all human knowledge.