Many pro bono attorneys participate in the Ask-A-Lawyer events.
The events are held quarterly in locations around the city and are free of charge to members of the public who would like brief counsel.
The purpose of the event is to provide legal guidance and direction in 15-20 minute one-to-one interviews. Sometimes, attorneys speak to a person and decide that they’d like to provide follow-up assistance.
Dan Bean advised a woman at an Ask-A-Lawyer event and offered follow-up assistance to help her resolve her legal matter.
The result provided an elderly woman relief from the stress caused by having a lien mistakenly placed on her home. Bean provided information on the case.
What were the basic facts of your case?
My client’s roof suffered some damage during a storm. Fortunately, she had insurance and received three bids from various roofing companies. She selected one roofing company who completed the work and was paid.
Unfortunately, a second roofing company made a mistake and thought it had been selected to do the work. When the second roofing company was not paid, it placed a construction lien on my client’s house.
What were you able to accomplish for your client?
We wrote to the second roofing company and asked them to confirm that the company had in fact done the work and if it had not, to please withdraw the lien lest we move in court, remove the lien ourselves, and seek attorneys’ fees. The second roofing company withdrew its lien.
Why was the outcome important to your client?
My client is in her 80s. She was very concerned about losing her house due to the construction lien.
Why was the experience important to you? That is, what did you gain from the experience?
I was disappointed that my client had to deal with the stress caused by the second roofer’s mistake. My client was a pleasure to work with and it was a privilege to be able to assist her. Helping her get rid of that source of stress and enjoy her home
lien-free was very rewarding.
What is the name of your firm? In what areas do you practice?
I practice at Holland & Knight and am a trial attorney.
What advice do you have for other attorneys considering pro bono involvement?
It is tremendously rewarding and can make an incredible difference for a client that cannot otherwise achieve it.
Sincere appreciation is extended to Bean and all attorneys who participate in pro bono assistance via outreach events and case representation. Attorneys interested in pro bono opportunities throughout the 4th Judicial Circuit and beyond are encouraged to contact Kathy Para, Chair of The Jacksonville Bar Association Pro Bono Committee, [email protected].