Renew, re-use and recycle at MOSH

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 p.m. January 13, 2014
  • | 5 Free Articles Remaining!
The staff at the Museum of Science & History was putting the finishing touches Friday on "Green Revolution Renewed." The exhibit opened Saturday.
The staff at the Museum of Science & History was putting the finishing touches Friday on "Green Revolution Renewed." The exhibit opened Saturday.
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Conserving energy, sustaining resources and recycling are some of the themes behind "Green Revolution Renewed," the latest exhibition at the Museum of Science & History along the Southbank.

The show was created by the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago and is distributed by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service.

The first generation of the exhibit was featured at MOSH in 2011. Several new elements have been added for the 2014 tour, including a documentary produced by the BBC about a family that lives in a home powered by electricity generated by people on stationary bikes.

Local artist Sarah Crooks Flaire has contributed work to the exhibit, including a mural painted on repurposed window drapes and original artwork framed with wood from recycled Coca-Cola crates.

Evolution is another theme of Green revolution.

"In February, we will be adding a human-powered treadmill that generates electricity and can be used to recharge a cellphone or an iPod," said Christy Leonard, MOSH deputy director.

A community collage will give guests the opportunity to design a butterfly out of recycled paper and pin it to a board in the museum's lobby. The pattern for the butterfly is available at

"The collage will evolve throughout the four-month run of the exhibit," said Leonard.

The exhibit complements MOSH's program to "green the museum." Through a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and JEA, all of the conventional bulbs in the lighting fixtures in the museum have been replaced with LEDs.

"We are saving almost $5,000 a month on our electricity cost. It's amazing," Leonard said.

Green Revolution Renewed will be displayed on the second floor at MOSH through May 4. For museum hours, admission prices, membership information and the butterfly template, visit

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