Bar Bulletin: Community Outreach Section - the recap that rejuvenates

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  • | 12:00 p.m. April 21, 2014
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Michael Duncan
Michael Duncan
  • Law
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How do I describe the view from where I sit? Inspiring, energizing, challenging, heartwarming … the list could go on and on.

As the chair of The Jacksonville Bar Association’s Community Outreach Section, I see every day the work so many of you do — work that involves going above and beyond the call of duty.

The work you do impacts me on both the personal and professional levels and, more importantly, it impacts our community. Our Bar association is making a difference. That’s because of you.

Consider just some of the ways we’ve contributed our time, energy, and legal expertise so far this year:

• We reached out to our low-income seniors with our annual holiday project. Some of our most vulnerable seniors whose holiday season would have been meager at best were a little warmer, a little brighter because of the gifts and personal visits you provided.

• We conducted a whole host of community events during February, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, to confront the reality of modern day slavery in our own neighborhoods. The horrifying reality of the presence of the sex trade in Northeast Florida and the innocent lives it destroys must not be ignored. We will be successful in stopping it when we not only continue the dialogue but we also join forces with other community agencies. The legal community will continue to be part of the conversation and part of the solution.

• We are implementing a selection of Law Week activities that serve immigrants with Citizenship Day, school children with the poster contest and art supplies drive, families in need with the toiletries drive, and children with life-threatening illnesses with Rendezvous on the River. It’s fitting that we include the underserved and marginalized in the festivities after all, because this year’s theme for Law Day is “Why Every Vote Matters.”

• We are taking civics education into classrooms reminding students of the structure of our government and the checks we have in place as a country to ensure that voices are heard and power is shared. We are a nation founded on liberty and justice for all. As officers of the court, we must uphold and live those values and we must educate our next generation.

• We are providing brief legal counsel at our quarterly Ask-A-Lawyer events. Now in its fifth year, Ask-A-Lawyer is a field leveler. We take legal guidance into community locations where attendees can “pick the brain” of an attorney in a one-to-one setting to get insight and knowledge regarding a personal legal issue. Ask-A-Lawyer is about education, encouragement, and empowerment and our community is grateful.

• We are assisting with the needs of active duty personnel and veterans by collaborating with the ABA Military Pro Bono Project and local agencies. Service persons with legal needs may get free or reduced rate assistance.

It’s rejuvenating to look back and to appreciate all that we’ve accomplished. The efforts mentioned above are just some of the ways we’ve served.

Though it’s important that we applaud those efforts and rest for a moment, it is so critical that we use this renewed energy and momentum to move forward.

We have a wonderful, dynamic, beautiful community, but it has needs that are great. And we are needed now more than ever to do our best to contribute toward those needs.

I hope you’ll feel free to contact me to find out how you may be involved and what ideas you have for more effective community outreach ([email protected]).

The view from where I sit is filled with hope. I’m privileged to occupy this seat and to be part of this work with you.

Michael L. Duncan is a shareholder with Gillis Way & Duncan LLP.


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