Judge Jeremy Donne, Queen's Counsel, a former English Barrister and longtime member of the Middle Temple Inn in London, was the keynote speaker at the annual banquet of the Chester Bedell Inn of Court.
The banquet was Thursday at The River Club.
Donne now serves on the Harrow Crown Court and presented the history and overview of the English Inns of Court, on which the American Inns of Court are modeled.
The American Inns of Court were started in 1985 by Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, to foster values of professionalism, ethics and civility that characterize the English Inns among younger members of the Bar.
The Chester Bedell Inn of Court is the first American Inn in Florida and was founded in 1985 by 25 lawyers and judges.
It is currently led by Senior U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Susan Black.
The Inn is named for Chester Bedell, a Jacksonville trial attorney who embodied the best traits of civility, professionalism and public service.
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Paul M. Glenn, who finished his second of three years as the president of the Inn, was recognized for his service and his nomination by the Inn for the A. Sherman Christensen Award.
The honor is annually given by the American Inns of Court to the person making the most significant contribution to the American Inns of Court movement on the national, state or local level.
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