by Joe Wilhelm Jr.
Staff Writer
“The Clay County Judge” was recognized for his 30 years of service on the bench of the Fourth Judicial Circuit with a retirement ceremony at the Clay County Courthouse Thursday.
“No offense to Duval County, but Judge William Wilkes is ‘The Clay County Judge,’” said attorney Robert Bradley, who is Wilkes’ nephew.
Wilkes developed a fondness for the University of Florida Gators as a student who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He continued with his education at the Cumberland School of Law. He earned his Juris Doctor in January 1968 and soon began to practice law with the firm of Anderson, Wilkes & McAnnally.
Wilkes was elected county judge in 1980 and served from 1981 to 1985. In 1985 he was appointed as a circuit judge and was re-elected in 1986, 1992, 1998 and 2004.
“I can’t believe I decided to take on the task of becoming a judge, but it was one of the best decisions of my life,” said Wilkes.
Outside of the courtroom, Wilkes strived to help improve the profession by being one of the founding members of the Clay County Bar Association, which was formally organized in 1973. He was also credited with working hard to help the new Clay County Courthouse become a reality.
“A great deal of credit for this building that we are in today goes to Judge Wilkes,” said Chief Circuit Judge Donald Moran. “I’d like to thank him for his efforts.”
Wilkes will complete his term at the end of December, but would like to return to the courthouse as a senior judge when he becomes eligible.
One lesson he learned during his 30-year career on the bench was “you become a much better trial judge the more you are on the bench.”
Many speakers at the retirement ceremony recognized Wilkes’ talents both as a judge and a lawyer.
“Your honor, I enjoyed practicing with you as a brother attorney. I enjoyed practicing before you after you became a judge,” said attorney Richard Cobb, also a founding member of the Clay County Bar Association.
“Most of all I have enjoyed observing you as a role model for lawyers and judges throughout your career,” he said.