Turner Pest Control moving HQ to Baymeadows Way

Turner Pest Control serves most of Florida, other than the Panhandle area, and also serves South Georgia. It invested almost $1 million in a new fleet of trucks as it continues to grow.
Turner Pest Control serves most of Florida, other than the Panhandle area, and also serves South Georgia. It invested almost $1 million in a new fleet of trucks as it continues to grow.
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Turner Pest Control will move its headquarters from West Jacksonville to Baymeadows, where majority company owner Ashton Hudson bought a building to house the corporate offices.

Now at 480 Edgewood Ave. S., the Jacksonville-based company will relocate to 8400 Baymeadows Way, moving from about 10,000 square feet of space into a little less than 20,000 square feet.

Hudson, president and general counsel of Rock Creek Capital and its affiliates, bought into Turner Pest Control in 2002 and has been majority owner since 2010. Turner Pest Control CEO Mark Slater is a partner.

Hudson said the staff has grown from 20 in 2002 to about 135 now. The company, which was founded in 1971, also has offices in Orlando, Melbourne and Tampa.

He said Turner Pest Control’s more than 100 Jacksonville employees will relocate about Feb. 1.

The city approved a permit Friday for an almost $606,000 renovation of office space at the Baymeadows Business Park location.

Emerald C’s Development Inc. is the contractor. Hota Design Studio LLC is the architect.

Hudson said the entire building is 42,000 square feet. Two other tenants occupy the building and there is about 15,000 square feet of space available for lease.

Hudson, the agent and director of Turner Pest Control LLC, also is the agent for 8400 Baymead Holdings LLC, which bought Baymeadows Business Park in October for $1.85 million. The office-warehouse, built in 1988, sits on 9 acres.

Hudson said Turner Pest Control has leased the Edgewood space since 2002.

Turner Pest Control ranks No. 56 on the 2015 Pest Control Technology list of rankings by 2014 revenue. It was the highest-ranking Jacksonville-based company.

Pest Control Technology, a news and technology industry source, reported Turner Pest Control at 2014 revenue of almost $12.7 million, up 15 percent from 2013 and a projected 15 percent increase for 2015. That indicates 2015 revenue of $14.6 million.

“We hope to break into the top 50 this year,” Hudson said, adding the company should exceed the indicated revenue.

Turner Pest Control services the residential, commercial, construction and lawn-care markets.

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(904) 356-2466


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