Gatlin Development's website confirms Jacksonville headquarters

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Downtown Jacksonville appears to have gained another headquarters.

Gatlin Development Co. Inc., a real estate investment company that had been based in Fort Lauderdale, now lists its headquarters address as Riverplace Tower on the Downtown Southbank.

The GDC headquarters address is shown on the website as 1301 Riverplace Blvd., Suite 1900.

No one from Gatlin’s office in Fort Lauderdale has responded to telephone messages and email requests for comment the past two weeks.

Gatlin’s corporate move to Jacksonville first surfaced when building plans were filed within the past several weeks for a 6,700-square-foot office renovation at the Riverplace Tower address. A building permit was issued June 3.

Those plans showed that Gatlin will set up at least 14 offices, open office space, a conference room, lounge area, break room, and copy, work and file rooms.

A potential corporate relocation became even more apparent when CEO Franklin C. Gatlin III and his wife, Christina, bought a $4.2 million estate in San Marco, not far from the Riverplace Tower offices.

That deed was signed June 1 and recorded June 8 with the Duval County Clerk of Court.

Gatlin has a development track record in the area. It developed the first area Walmart Neighborhood Markets two years ago and also is developing Collins Plaza in Southwest Jacksonville. That project will be anchored by a Walmart Supercenter.

Frank Gatlin founded the company in 1976. It specializes in shopping center development, management and renovation.

It has 44 developments in Florida, California, Minnesota, Tennessee and Wisconsin. Since 1984, it has focused on Walmart-anchored shopping centers.

It also has offices in Tennessee.

[email protected]

@Mathis Kb

(904) 356-2466


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