Beverly takes the bench

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  • | 12:00 p.m. March 1, 2010
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This statue of Andrew Jackson at the Landing will be on the move as part of the City's "Civic Core-Downtown Enhancements" project, which just received a funding boost from the Florida Department of Transportation.
This statue of Andrew Jackson at the Landing will be on the move as part of the City's "Civic Core-Downtown Enhancements" project, which just received a funding boost from the Florida Department of Transportation.
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Circuit Court Judge Thomas Beverly, 51, has begun his career behind the bench, transitioning from practicing in front of it as a Deputy General Counsel for the City of Jacksonville. Beverly was appointed to the Fourth Judicial Circuit bench by Gov. Charlie Crist Jan. 12 to fill the vacancy created by the death of Judge Peter Fryefield and began serving Feb. 8. Before entering into public service at the Office of General Counsel, Beverly practiced privately with the Bedell Firm and the firm of Gentry and Phillips. He was preceded on the bench by his mother, retired Circuit Court Judge Virginia Beverly.



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